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Multiply them out.

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Q: How can you tell which prime factorization is for the greater number?
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How do you figure a prime factorization?

what is a prime factorization ok here ill tell you and ill give u an example of prime factorization example:2,3, mostlyits an odd number but the number 2 is not an odd number buts its prime

What does prime factorization tell you about numbers?

It tells you if a number is prime or composite and it also gives you a few factors of the number.

How can you tell what prime fractionation is greater?

Do the multiplication. Select the greater number.

What is the prime factorization of the number and write the answer using exponent?

We'd be glad to if you would tell us what the number is.

How can you tell if 3458 is a prime or composite number?

All even numbers greater than two are composite.

Is Audrey right that the prime factorization of 42 is 21 times 2 is she right tell why?

No, 21 is not a prime number. But Audrey knew that.

What is the prime factorization and the greatest common factorof 243?

Well, the prime factorization is 3^5 (3 to the 5th power). I can't tell you the GCF unless there's another number to compare it with.

How can you tell the number of prime factors a number has when its prime factorization is written in exponent form?

. For example, the factorization of 120 is 23 x 3 x 5, meaning 2 is a factor three times and 3 and 5 are each a factor one time for a total of five prime factors.

How can you tell by looking at the prime factorization of two whole numbers that their gcf is 1?

If the prime factors of the first whole number are all different from the prime factors of the second whole number, then the GCF is 1.

How can you tell 28655 isn't an prime number?

It's greater than 5 and ends in 5.

How could you use prime factorization to tell whether a number is even or odd?

its easy to tell that if the last number ends with 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 so on and so on then its even if the answer starts with a 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 so on so on then its an odd number

What is the prime factorization of 3?

3 = 3, since 3 is prime.