If you have an n-sided polygon in 2-dimensional space an nx2 array, with each column consisting of the coordinates of a vertex, will represent the polygon. In 3-dimensional space you will need a nx3 matrix. Once you have the coordinates of the vertices you can use appropriate formulae to calculate the side lengths, angles, etc.
To find the size of an array in PHP you can either use the count() function or the sizeof() function as they will produce the same result. <?php $array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); echo count($array); // outputs 7 echo sizeof($array); // outputs 7 ?>
Linear search
Option 1) Use a temporary variable: int x = array[i]; array[i] = array[i+1]; array[i+1] = x; Option 2) Use bit operators: array[i] ^= array[i+1] ^= array[i];
'a array' is substandard, if you use it, you might be frowned upon.
Basically, &array[i]; That is, the memory location for an array object with index i. Or, you can do: (array + i);
I am not sure what you mean with "area models". As for an array, one simple way to use it is to try out different factors in a loop; every time you find a factor, you write the factor to the next array element.
by using index position we can find the particular element in array.
congugative memory allocation ,is use to array
You might use the array to store the results, since a number may be made up of several prime factors. As soon as you find a prime factor, save the result to the array, and continue looking for additional factors. If you want all factors, not just prime factors, the principle is the same; you can store the results of your calculations to an array.
For instance, you have array of type int with a name myArray, and you do not know size of the array. You can use following statement to get it:int arraySize = myArray/myArray[0];arraySize gives you number of elements in myArray.
congugative memory allocation ,is use to array
It depends on the shape.