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Q: How could you find the volume of pumice?
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What helps pumice float?

The pumice is not very dense, if the mass of the volume of water displacement is greater than the mass of the rock it will float

Where can you find pictures of pumice?

The best way to find pictures of pumice is to do a Google search for volcanic minerals.

Where can you find pumice geode?

There is no such thing as a pumice geode. Pumice and geodes form under completely different conditions.

What country does pumice come from?

Pumice comes from allover the world. It could be in any country now!

Could igneous granite float?

No, but pumice can.

Where can you find a pumice stone?

gnawing to prevent abnormal teeth growth

What is the name of an object that has a low density and large volume?

There is no generic name for such objects but I can give you some specific examples:- Pumice Styrofoam Gases The planet Saturn (which if you could do it would float on water).

Which process could lead directly to the formation of pumice rock?

The process that could directly lead to the formation of pumice rock is volcanice eruptions (explosive eruption of lava from a volcano).

Where can you find pumice stone in FF-IX?

Pumice can be obtained by defeating Ozma. Or, you can get Hades to Synthesize it from two Pumice Pieces, obtainable from; 1 - Defeating Ark, 2 - Chocograph 22, 3 - Stealing from Ozma.

Where can you buy a pumice stone in Iowa?

You can buy pumice stone from china. Bocent Advanced Ceramic Co., Ltd. you could look through

Where is the most common place can you find pumice?

near like volcaneo

Does pumice absorb water?

Pumice is an extrusive igneous rock that has a lower density than an equal volume of water. Pumice forms from an airborne, rapidly cooled frothy magma, full of tiny gas pockets, making it extremely light in weight.