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Aristotle was influnced greatly by Plato who was influenced by parmenides. look it up, there's a bunch of things on Plato and parmenides.

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Q: How did Parmenides influence Aristotle?
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Assuming you don't mean celebrities, then; Plato Aristotle Archimedes Parmenides Pythagoras Alexander the Great

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Plato, Aristotle's teacher

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Aristotle and Plato are the two most famous Greek philosophers. Other famous Greek philosophers include Parmenides, Diogenes, and Cleanthe.

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Pythagoras influenced many people like, Philolaus, Alcmaeon, Parmenides, Plato, Euclid, Empedocles, Hippasus, and Kepler.

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Parmenides discovered that the earth was round by the earth's shadow

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Check out the related link for information on Aristotle's great influence on democracy.

Which ancient Greek philiospher believe thatthe soul was superior to the body and reason more reliable than senses?

Plato was the most famous philosopher who believed that. Aristotle did also, although he thought that the soul died with the body. Plato admired Parmenides, who also believe that. .

What influence did the accomplishments have in Aristotle's own time?

Aristotle's teachings affected Alexander the Great and the lands he conquered.

What was Parmenides' major work?

Parmenides' only known work is a poem known as On Nature.

What influence did Aristotle have on space exploration?

He helped invent a telescope ;)