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Aristotle was influnced greatly by Plato who was influenced by parmenides. look it up, there's a bunch of things on Plato and parmenides.

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Q: How did Parmenides influence Aristotle?
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Who inspired Aristotle?

Parmenides, Socrates, Plato, Heraclitus, and Democritus.

Three main greek philosophers?

Socrates Plato Aristotle Aristophanes Heraclitus Parmenides Pythagoras

Who are some famous people from Greece?

Assuming you don't mean celebrities, then; Plato Aristotle Archimedes Parmenides Pythagoras Alexander the Great

What was Aristotle's influence?

Plato, Aristotle's teacher

Why is parmenides important?

Parmenides is important because he is considered one of the most significant pre-Socratic philosophers, focusing on metaphysics and the nature of reality. His philosophical work influenced later philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle and helped shape Western philosophy. Parmenides' emphasis on the importance of reason and logic in understanding existence remains relevant in contemporary philosophy.

Why is parmenides famous?

Parmenides is famous for his philosophical work "On Nature," which explores the nature of reality and existence. He is known for his belief in the concept of the One, arguing that change and plurality are illusions. His ideas had a profound influence on the development of metaphysics and ontology in Western philosophy.

What impact did Parmenides have on modern day?

Parmenides' influence on modern day thought lies in his philosophical concept of change being an illusion and the idea that reality is unchanging and eternal. His emphasis on reason and logic as methods for understanding the world has influenced modern metaphysics and epistemology. Parmenides' philosophy continues to provoke debates and discussions in contemporary philosophy about the nature of reality.

Who did Pythagoras influence?

Pythagoras influenced many people like, Philolaus, Alcmaeon, Parmenides, Plato, Euclid, Empedocles, Hippasus, and Kepler.

What did parmenides discover?

Parmenides is known for his philosophical argument that reality is unchanging and that change is illusory. He believed that "being" is the only reality and that "becoming" is just a product of our limited human perception. His ideas laid the foundation for metaphysics and influenced later philosophers such as Plato.

Which ancient Greek philiospher believe thatthe soul was superior to the body and reason more reliable than senses?

Plato was the most famous philosopher who believed that. Aristotle did also, although he thought that the soul died with the body. Plato admired Parmenides, who also believe that. .

Famous Greek philospher?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are some of the most famous Greek philosophers known for their contributions to philosophy and Western thought.

What influence did the accomplishments have in Aristotle's own time?

Aristotle's teachings affected Alexander the Great and the lands he conquered.