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By getting bit by a black rat and by breathing

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Q: How did people get the plague?
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Can people die from plague?

yes sadly millions of people can die from plague :(

How many people die from plague yearly worldwide?

Approximately 2000 people die from a the plague on a yearly basis worldwide. The last big plague was the bubonic plague.

Did only poor people catch the plague?

Rich people left towns and cities to get away from the plague. Poor people did not have that option so more poor people died of the plague.

What did the people think the reason for the black plague was?

the people thought the cause of the black plague was a witches curse.

Why is the black plague a crisis?

the black plague was a crisis because it killed lots of people

How was the black plague stopped?

rats died out and people survived plague and became immune to it.

How did the bubonic plague affect shakespeare?

there were not as many people at the theater, and they close when plague happen

Who stoped the plague?

I think it stopped naturally, after all the people who were suffering from the plague died.

Can people die from the plague?


How many people dies in the plague and Hundred Years War?

The same amount of people that died in the plague and hundred years war.

How did the bubonic plague affect Shakespeare's theater?

there were not as many people at the theater, and they close when plague happen

How did you get the plague from others?

Plague is spreed through flea bites and rats don't forget people!