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The Platonic solids were name after the Greek philosopher Plato, who theorized that the classical elements were constructed from the regular solids.

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Q: How did the platonic solids get their name?
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Where does the name platonic solid come from?

The Name Platonic solid Comes from Plato the second main reseacher of the five solids. Pythagoras was the one discovered the platonic solids

Platonic solids is made from triangles?

No. Platonic solids, as their name suggests, are 3-dimensional objects. A triangle is 2-dimensional.

How many platonic solids are their?

There (not their) are 5 platonic solids.

What is the name of the thirteenth book in Euclid Elements?

Platonic solids

How many edges does a platonic solids have?

There are different numbers on the different platonic solids.

What book discusses the platonic solids?

The book called Platonic Solids: The experience

Who descoverd the platonic solids?

We don't know for certain who discovered the platonic solids first. However, Pythagoras is credited by some sources as discovering the platonic solids first. Other sources credit Theaetetus as being the first to describe all five platonic solids and proving that these are the *only* platonic solids.

How did Platonic solids get there name?

They are named after Plato who used them in his philosophy often.

Why are there a limited number of platonic solids?

Why are there a limited number of platonic solids?Read more: Why_are_there_a_limited_number_of_platonic_solids

The number of Platonic solids?

There are 5 platonic solids. They are: Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron, Cube, and Dodecahedron

Who proved that only five platonic solids exist?

Euclid was the one who proved that there are only five platonic solids.

What is the collective name of these solids tetrahedron cube octahedron dodecahedron?

Together with icosahedron (20 faces) they are known as the Platonic Solids.