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Platonic solids

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Q: What is the name of the thirteenth book in Euclid Elements?
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What is the name of the book Euclid wrote?

Euclid's Elements is the name you're after.

What is the name of the book that Euclid wrote?


What is the name of the 13th book of euclid's elements?


What is the name of the 13 book of Euclid's Elements?

harry potter

What was the name of Euclid's famous book about geometry?

It's called 'Elements'

What is the name of the fifth book in Euclid's Elements?

Theory of abstract proportions

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What is the title of book thirteen?

There are 13 different books in "Euclid's Elements". There is not a specific name for the 13th book but it is about Pythagoreans.

What is the name of the guy who wrote Euclids elements?

'Elements' was written by Euclid.

What is the name of the 13 book Euclid's element?


What is the one hundred thirteenth element in the periodic table of the elements?

There is no permanent name for the 113th element, but its temporary name is Ununtrium (Uut).

Euclid wrote a number of books on Geometry Name the 5th book?

Theory of abstract proportions.