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The answer depends on what the variables are and whether or not there are any scientific or economic (or other) laws linking the variables. A lot more basic information is required before you can start interpreting data in any meaningful way.

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Q: How do I interpret data from a given table with frequency percent valid percent cumulative percent Each one has different levels of measurement such as nominal ordinal interval and ratio?
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Plotted on arithmetic scale if phi intervals are used or semi-log paper if millimeters are used. More difficult than histogram or frequency curve to interpret at a glance. Independent of sieve interval. Grain-size parameters can be computed from this curve.

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Imperial and metric systems of measurement can be interpreted by a metric conversion table and chart. The measuring scheme is available from various online companies like French Property Company.

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To read a force meter, you simply look at the measurement displayed on the dial or digital screen. Make sure to note the units of measurement (usually Newtons) and the scale of the meter to interpret the force applied accurately.

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