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The answer depends on what the variables are and whether or not there are any scientific or economic (or other) laws linking the variables. A lot more basic information is required before you can start interpreting data in any meaningful way.

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Q: How do I interpret data from a given table with frequency percent valid percent cumulative percent Each one has different levels of measurement such as nominal ordinal interval and ratio?
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Cumulative frequency histogram?

They can be created but, because histograms are generally plots of frequency density, rather than frequency, they are likely to be quite difficult to interpret.

How do you compute Skewness and Kurtosis of Histogram of a cumulative frequency function?

Plotted on arithmetic scale if phi intervals are used or semi-log paper if millimeters are used. More difficult than histogram or frequency curve to interpret at a glance. Independent of sieve interval. Grain-size parameters can be computed from this curve.

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Imperial and metric systems of measurement can be interpreted by a metric conversion table and chart. The measuring scheme is available from various online companies like French Property Company.

Explain how cochlea allow us to hear both low frequency and high frequency sound?

The basilar membrane within the cochlea is responsible for detecting different frequencies of sound. High frequency sounds cause vibrations near the base of the spiral-shaped cochlea, while low frequency sounds cause vibrations near the apex. This allows the brain to interpret different frequencies based on where the vibrations occur along the basilar membrane.

What is a frequency Diagram?

A frequency diagram means of displaying raw data in a graphical form that is easier to interpret. Commonly used frequency diagrams are bar charts, histograms, pie charts, and scatter diagrams.

What does it mean when it says then interpret this slope as a rate of change?

It means express the slope along with its measurement units.

How are you able to see different colors?

I am programmed to interpret and display different colors based on the hexadecimal color codes provided in the programming language. These codes specify the amount of red, green, and blue light to combine in order to create a particular color.

What is the relation between shrillness of sound and frequency?

The shrillness of a sound is related to its frequency, with higher frequency sounds typically perceived as more shrill or piercing. This is because higher frequency sounds have more rapid vibrations, which our ears interpret as a higher pitch and increased sharpness in tone.

What is the subjective perception of frequency?

Subjective perception of frequency refers to how individuals perceive the pitch of sound. It can vary among people due to factors like age, hearing ability, and cultural background. This perception is often measured using psychophysical methods to understand how individuals interpret and categorize different frequencies of sound.

How does the ear interpret frequency of sound?

The cochlea in the inner ear contains hair cells that respond to specific frequencies of sound vibrations. Different frequencies cause different hair cells to vibrate, which stimulates the auditory nerve to send signals to the brain. The brain then processes these signals as different pitches or frequencies of sound.

How do you read spectrograph?

To read a spectrograph, interpret the x-axis as frequency or wavelength, the y-axis as intensity, and the colors or patterns as different spectral lines corresponding to different elements or compounds. Peaks or dips in intensity indicate the presence of specific emissions or absorptions at certain frequencies or wavelengths.

What we perceive as the pitch of sound is our sensory response to its?

frequency. The pitch of a sound is determined by the frequency of the sound wave, with higher frequencies corresponding to higher pitch sounds and lower frequencies to lower pitch sounds. Our ears and brain interpret these frequency signals to perceive pitch.