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Q: How do I know to which place-value position to round a number?
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You round the fraction up and find the value in that position.

How do you round decimals on a number line?

your dumb if you don't know how to round decimals on a number line

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You know when to overestimate when the last number is over five then you round it up. Under is the last number below five you round down.

How do you explain how to round 12.75 to the nearest whole number?

you probably already know that is it rounded to 13, but you do that because...the rules to rounding are, you round down if the number is .4 or lower, and you round up if the number is .5 or higher.

How do you round 1.0649 to nearest thousandth?

The digit in the ten thousandth position is a 9, so we round up to give 1.065 as the answer.

What does the number 3 round to?

you would probably round it to 1. don't know for sure but i am pretty sure it is right.

What is 30.92 round to the nearest whole number?

To round to the nearest whole number, look at the tenths column. If the digit is 4 or less round down; otherwise it is 5 or more and round up. The tenths digit is 9 so round up → 30.92 → 31 to the nearest whole number.

Round the number 24.9652 to one decimal place?


What is the round of 180 I do not think it is 140 so probably I did not know?

ugh ima say 175 cs any number over five or is five you supposed to round up and any number below five round down??

Do you have to know how to do a handstand to do a round-off?

Well I learnt to do a handstand before... But I'm currently polishing up my flicks now, and when i round off I don't recognise the handstand position, so no. It helps though.

What largest number round to 40000 by thousand?

We know that halfway along our number line is 3500,with a five in the thousands place.any number from this point onwards we will round up to any number that has a FIVE,a SIX,a SEVEN, an EIGHT,or a NINE in the thousands place we'll round up.

Why zero is place value holder?

The decimal number system is positional in nature. To know what a given digit means, you have to know where it is with respect to the decimal point. The number zero can be used to indicate that a given position is vacant. This is necessary in order to know what the other digits are positioned. For example, the number 10. That means ten. If we wrote it as 1 . the number would still be in that position, but it would be hard to see the position. Putting in a zero makes it clear.