your dumb if you don't know how to round decimals on a number line
You see which tick is nearer to the point on the number line.
48.81 will round up to 49.
work out
If the decimal is .5 or greater you round up. Such as if a number is 7.5 you round it off to 8.
No. It's a confusing distinction. Decimals can be rounded, but they are not thought of as round numbers.
You see which tick is nearer to the point on the number line.
48.81 will round up to 49.
work out
4 decimals: 1.0033 3 decimals: 1.003 2 decimals: 1.00
If the decimal is .5 or greater you round up. Such as if a number is 7.5 you round it off to 8.
No. It's a confusing distinction. Decimals can be rounded, but they are not thought of as round numbers.
I think you round it to the nearest whole number...
Anything from 6.5 to 7.4
fractions are represented in form of decimals
Pi is not a digit because it has decimals. I believe a digit is a round digit meaning a whole number and no decimals.