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Q: How do I write a rule for transformation?
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What rule describes a transformation across the line yx?

It depends on the kind of transformation: it could be reflection or translation.

What is the rule if 21 goes to 56?

A single transformation does not provide enough information to determine a rule.

How do you write transformation notation?

The answer will depend on the nature of the transformation.The answer will depend on the nature of the transformation.The answer will depend on the nature of the transformation.The answer will depend on the nature of the transformation.

How do you write a rule as an equation?

Write an equation of 3/8×112

What rule describes a transformation across the X-Axis?

(x,y) --> (x,-y)

What transformation is represented by the rule (x y) (y -x)?

It is an anticlockwise rotation through 90 degrees.

Which rule describes a transformation across the x axis?

You have to add on the number that you want to transform the graph by. For example to move the graph 2 units along the x-axis the transformation would be f(x+2).

Which rule describes a transformation across the x-axis?

Should be (x,y) -> (-x,y) Apologies if it's wrong!

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How to write a rule for each pattern then write a number for each pattern?

It depends on the patterns.

How do you write y equals 4cos1over2x as a horizontal shift of the other function?

You cannot since the transformation is not a horizontal shift.

What is the rule of 4?

In algebra, the Rule of 4 is basically four different ways you can express something mathematically. For example, if I was told I had to show how to multiply -62+-8, I would show it in a Rule of 4. In the Rule of 4, there are four boxes. I would write the problem in words in the first box, then write it in numbers in the second box, in the third one I would write answer, and then write how I got the answer. P.S, the answer is 54