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Q: How do Macbeth's feelings change when the servant announces that ten thousand soldiers are approaching?
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Successful professional soldiers control their emotions; they ply their trade, not their feelings.

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He didn't.The kite was invented by the Ancient Chinese in around 1,000BC. They were used by soldiers to warn people of approaching enemies.

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For Nam: Just do your time (drafted for two years), then go home; that was the attitude.

Did Marco Polo invent the kite?

No, he did not. The kite existed before he was born.Kites were invented by the Ancient Chinese in around 1,000BC. They were used by soldiers to warn people of approaching enemies.

How did the soldiers in World War I express their feelings?

The soldiers wrote letters for their friends and family at home, wrote poems that said wha the soldiers felt and wrote in their own diaries. For some great info go x