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Plants in the rain forest survive on little sunlight. They go through the process of photosynthesis just like other plants.

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Q: How do Rainforest plants survive?
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Related questions

What adaptations do plants in the rainforest need to survive?

they need to adaped to the rain and shad

Where do plants living in the rainforest get their nutrients?

the plants living in the rainforest get their nutrients from the rainforest soil.

Why would a Tawny Milkcap Mushroom not survive in a Tropical Rainforest?

the weather isn't right. it needs the certain plants around it.

List of native Australian rainforest plants?

See the related links for lists of Australian tropical rainforest plants and temperate rainforest plants.

Why is the rainforest valuable?

the rain forest is valuable because many medicines are derived from rain forest plants. Most importantly, our oxygen comes from plants, the more plants, the more oxygen.The rain forest is considered valuable because many medicines are derived from rain forest plants. Most importantly, our oxygen comes from plants, the more plants, the more oxygen.By Natasha K Age:11

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List inherited traits of a plant in the rainforest?

Tropical rainforest plants have natural traits that enable the plant to survive the harsh conditions. Inherited traits or adaptations the plants have are the thick leaves that can withstand the high temperatures. The leaves in the plants absorb a lot of water to help the plant thrive by retaining moisture.

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What medicine does the Amazon rainforest have?

Medicines can be derived from plants; the Amazon rainforest has pelnty of plants.

What plants do you find in the rainforest?

Two thirds of the world's plants species are found in the tropical rainforest. The rainforest is host to carnivorous plants, strangler plants, lianas, and oddly plants with stilt roots or buttress roots.

How do tribes survive the weather in the amazon rainforest?

Tribes living in the rainforest climates survive by living off the land. They eat foods they find in the rainforest, they use materials they find in the rainforest to build their homes, and they hunt.

How many species of plants can you find in the rainforest and how many?

a rainforest has hundreds even thousands of species of plants.