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some of them go higher than others.

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Q: How do guitar volume pedals differ from each other?
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How do you change the volume of an electric guitar?

There are several ways to increase the volume of an electric guitar. The two obvious ways would be to turn up the volume knob on the guitar itself, or turn up the master volume on your amp. If you have no master volume on your amp, use the post gain for the channel you are playing through. Other things also effect the volume of a guitar. Changing the pickups can effect the guitar's output, as can changing the pots, strings, etc. Also, depending on the pedals used, certain pedals can decrease the volume of the guitar being played, but a simple solution to that would be running your pedals through an effects loop.

Where can one buy Hardwire pedals?

One can buy Hardwire pedals from the Hardwire Pedals website. Some other popular websites where can one can purchase Hardwire pedals are eBay, Amazon, Premier Guitar and many more.

How do you loop many guitar effect pedals together...with other short cables connecting each pedal?

Yes, that is correct.

Do multi effect guitar pedals have distortion?

Yes they certainly do, along with many other effects such as chorus, reverb, tremelo, and phaser.

What are guitar knobs used for on a guitar?

There are two knobs on a guitar. One is the tone knob, which is used when tuning the guitar right pitch and sound you want out of the guitar. The other is for your volume, which is obviously used to toggle between the loudness or quietness of the guitar.

How does a Yamaha electric guitar differ from all other guitars?

A Yamaha electric guitar is different from other electric guitars in a few ways. For example, Yamaha guitars have a unique body shape that is very different from other guitars.

Whats the difference between a bass effect pedal and a guitar effect pedal?

Basseffect pedals usually have a B in the little code for the pedal...for example an ordinary guitar pedal is the boss ME - 50,the bass version is the boss ME - 50B....also bassseffect pedals are designed for the tomal range of a bass and not a guitar,but you can still use guitar pedals for effects with your bass rig,eg in the somg the ace of spades lemmy uses a guitar distortion for his bass

How does a sphere shape differ from other shapes?

For a given area, the biggest volume you can enclose is a sphere. A sphere has the best volume-to-area ratio.

What products does Vox ToneLab sell?

The company Vox ToneLab sells portable amplifiers. Other products they sell include Guitar amplifiers, guitars, pedals, hardware and software as well as headphones.

What products and services does Visual Sound sell?

Visual Sound specializes in quality music products, specifically sound distortion pedals and other specialized guitar related equipment. They also produce amplifiers and other sound-related items.

Where should you place your overdrive in your guitar rig?

it depends on what kind of setup you have and what other effects pedals you are using and what sound you are going for, but I suggest you put your distortion pedal before everything else. The distorion will carry though the other effects slightly and give the other effects a better kick.

How does area differ from volume?

Area is length multiplied by the height, while volume ads a third variable for width. In other words, area is just a flat 2D square, where as volume is a whole 3D box.