You need to multiply by the proper conversion factor. In this case, you multiply the number of kilometers/second2 X 1000 meters/kilometer.
To convert meters to feet, multiply by 3.281. It does not matter about the "per second squared" since that is present in both sides.
Multiply by time
1 metre per second squared = 12960 kilometres per hour squared
-- take the number of meters per second-- divide it by 1,000-- the result is the number of kilometers per second
To convert 4.4 miles per hour per second to meters per second squared, first convert 4.4 miles to meters (1 mile = 1609.34 meters) and 1 hour to seconds (1 hour = 3600 seconds). Then divide the speed in meters per second by the time in seconds squared to get the acceleration in meters per second squared.
Divide the distance by the time. The result will be in meters per second. If you want to convert to kilometers per hour, multiply the meters per second by 3.6.Divide the distance by the time. The result will be in meters per second. If you want to convert to kilometers per hour, multiply the meters per second by 3.6.Divide the distance by the time. The result will be in meters per second. If you want to convert to kilometers per hour, multiply the meters per second by 3.6.Divide the distance by the time. The result will be in meters per second. If you want to convert to kilometers per hour, multiply the meters per second by 3.6.
To convert 1.9 miles per hour per second to meters per second squared, you first need to convert miles to meters and hours to seconds. 1 mile is approximately 1609.34 meters and 1 hour is 3600 seconds. Convert the speed to meters per second and then divide by time squared to get the acceleration in meters per second squared.
By using this formula - meters per second x 3.6 = km/h
Meters per second squared, Kilometers per hour, Meters, and Miles per hour.
a) Divide the kilometers by the hours, to get the speed in kilometers per hour. b) Divide this result by 3.6, to convert to meters/second.