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you times the denominators by a certain number, like say, one is 2, the other 4, you would times the 2 by 2 to make it 4 so u get even denaminators. then u can add, but the denominator stays the same.

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Q: How do you add fractions with unlike denominators and they are a mixed fraction?
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What are unlike mixed numbers?

the fractions have different denominators

How do you add mixed fractions with another mixed fraction?

You convert them both to improper fractions by multiplying the denominators by the whole number and then adding the numerator to it. This number goes in the numerator and the denominator stays the same. Then you do this for the other fraction, making sure that the denominators of each fraction are equivalent. Then add the fractions as normal.

What is a fraction or mixed number whose denominators are powers of 10?

Although fractions or decimals are not called this, they are, in fact, decimal fractions.

Adding mixed numbers with unlike denominators?

First convert the mixed numbers into "top heavy (or "improper) fractions". Now multiply each of the improper fractions by each other - this makes the denominators the same. Now you can add both the fractions together (and cancel down if necessary).

How do you find the sum of all fractions?

Make sure the denominators of all the fractions are common.Add all numerators.Reduce the final fraction to its simplest form.Convert improper fraction to mixed number if needed.

What is mixed fraction multiplication?

Mixed fraction multiplication refers to the process of multiplying two mixed fractions. To do this, first convert the mixed fractions into improper fractions. Then, multiply the numerators together and the denominators together. Finally, reduce the resulting fraction, if possible, by finding the greatest common divisor of the numerator and denominator.

How do you add mixed numbers with different denominators?

First convert them t top-heavy fractions. Treat these as you would ordinary fractions: find common denominator and so on. At the end, convert the top heave fraction back to a mixed fraction.

How do you add mixed fractions with different denominators?

You make it into a improper fraction, then make a common denominator and remember to do what you did to the bottom to the top then solve

When asked to find the sum of two mixed numbers with different denominators you should before you add?

Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. In actually adding mixed numbers, it is easier to convert the mixed numbers into improper (top heavy) fractions, do the addition, simplify the resulting fraction and convert any resulting improper fraction back into a mixed number.

How do you subtract fractions with mixed numbers and like denominators?

Convert them to improper fractions and proceed.

How would you add two mixed numbers that contain unlike fractions?

you would convert the mixed numbers into fractions where the top number is greater than the bottom number, then multiply both the numerator and the denominator by a number that makes the denominators the same.

How do you mutiply a fraction using the volume?

the same way you always multiply fractions. Change mixed numbers into improper fractions, multiply all numerators to get a new numerator, multiply all denominators to get a new denominator, then reduce the fraction.