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Multiply the height by the width

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Q: How do you calculate area of parallelogram with height and width given?
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Related questions

How do you calculate volume of box when given area?

Multiply the base*height*width.

How is the height of a parallelogram similar and different from the width of a rectangle?

The width of a rectangle is the same as one of its sides. That is not [usually] the case for a parallelogram.

What is an area of a rectangle or parallelogram?

width times height

How is the area of a parallelogram related to the area of a rectangle?

The area of a parallelogram is the length times the vertical height. In a rectangle, the vertical height is the same as the width so the area is length times width.

Can a cube be a parallelogram?

No, a parallelogram has only length and width (it's 2-dimensional) while a cube has length, width, and height (making it 3-dimensional).

How is the width of a box calculated?

To calculate the width of a box, or cube, you need to use the following formula: W = (V) / (LxH) given that (V= volume, L= length, W= width, H= height) and volume, height and length measurements are already given.

How do you calculate length times width times height?

To calculate volume simply do length x width x height

How to calculate square feet with width height measurement?

Multiply the width times the height.

What kind of shape has 25cm width and 12cm height?

A rectangle or perhaps a parallelogram

Which of the fol the height y if x is the width?

You CAN'T calculate the height of something, just by knowing its width.

How do you know that the height of a parallelogram is the same as the width of the rectangle?

You don't know and they need not be. There are lots of rectangles.

What do you calculate volume?

length, width X height.