Calculate the answer in decimal terms!
It isn't clear what you want to calculate. Add fractions? Multiply them? Convert fraction to decimal? Decimal to fraction? The details of the calculations, of course, vary depending on what you want to calculate.
It is 0.15
You record the temperatures as decimal numbers and subtract the smaller from the larger.
You can calculate 3 / 40 on the calculator. This will give you the decimal equivalent.
Yes you can.
To calculate what the decimal for 14/16 is, divide 14 by 16. The answer is 0.875.
A fraction can be turned into a decimal figure. Divide the bottom into the top to get your decimal figure. Then work in decimals.
In order to calculate Cost Per Rating Point (CPRP) with fractions, the fractions must first be turned into a decimal. Then another operation which will turn the decimal into a percentage can also be utilized.