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Q: How do you calculate the difference between yard and square yard?
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What is the difference between a meter stick and a yard stick?

a square

Difference between a square yard and a square meter?

1 yard = .9144 meter, therefore 1 square yard = .83612736 square meter. In other words, 1 square meter = 1.19599005 square yard

How do you calculate a square yard?

it is a yard by a yard or length X width

What is a difference between square metre and square feet?

A square metre is equal to slightly more than 11 square feet. a square meter is almost the same as a square yard. there are 3 feet in a yard, so a square meter is about 9 square feet.

What is the difference between a sq yard and a yard square?

A square yard is a measure of area of indefinite dimensions, eg a rectangle 1 foot by 9 feet or 16 inches by 81 inches or a triangle 1 yard high with a 2 yard base etc etc. A yard square is 3 feet x 3 feet, which awkwardly is also a square yard.

What is the difference between yard and linear yard?

its the same

What is difference between station and station yard?

the difference between a station and a station yard is that a station yard is where trains get put when they are no longer used.

How do you calculate square feet to a square yard?

Easy. Just divide the number of square feet by 9 to get square yards.

How do you calculate square feet from square yards?

There are 9 square feet in each square yard. You multiply the yards by 9 to get the feet.

What is the difference between a yard and foot?

1 yard = 3 feet

What is difference between gaj or yard?

no diff 1 gaj = yard

How many square meters are in a 3 feet?

There are 10.764 square feet in a square yard. There are 9 square feet in a square yard and a meter is just a little bigger than a yard so this also makes sense.