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With speed of sound at 340.29 meters/sec = 0.211 miles per second, a good estimate is to say the sound will travel approximately 1 mile in 5 seconds.

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Q: How do you calculate the miles of lightning?
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Related questions

When was Miles from the Lightning created?

Miles from the Lightning was created in 2001.

How many seconds do you need to find the miles to the lightning?

-- Count seconds between the flash of lightning and the thunder -- Divide by 5. -- The result is the number of miles between you and the lightning

You hear thunder 13.9 seconds after a lightning flash how far are you from lightning?

then the lightning is 2.78 miles away from you.

Calculate road miles to air miles?

Calculate 24 road miles to air miles.

How do you calculate lightning distance?

Start counting when you see lightning. Stop counting when you hear thunder. Divide the seconds by 5. Example: You count 19 seconds. 19 divided by 5 would mean the lightning you seen was approximately 3.8 miles away. If you count 30 seconds or less, don't go outside.

Can you be struck by lightning even if you are not in rain?

Yes, lightning can extend several miles from a thunderstorm.

If you hear thunder 5 s after seeing a flash of lightning the distance to the lightning strike is about?

5 miles away

How far can lightning bolts travel?

They length of a lightning bolt is 2 to 3 miles long, and they can travel twice as far as there length, so the answer is they can travel 4 to 6 miles.

Why does thundering occur with out lightning?

While lightning produces very high temperatures, the amount of air it heats is fairly small. In most cases a bolt of lightning is a few miles away, too far away to feel the heat. People have felt the heat from lightning, but only when it struck dangerously close.

The clap of a thunder was heard 4 seconds after the flash of lightning was seen If the air temperature was 28 degree celsius how far was the lightning?

the lightning was 0.8 miles away.

How far can lightning travel?

Lightning can strike up to 10 miles from it's parent storm cloud.

How far from heavy rain of a thunderstorm can lightning strike?

Lightning can strike up to 30 miles from a thunderstorm, though such instances are rare.