16 percent of 20 items = 3.2 items16% of 20 items= 16% * 20 items= 0.16 * 20 items= 3.2 items
You calculate 100*(30/20)
To find 20 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.2. In this instance, 0.2 x 16 = 3.2. Therefore, 20 percent of 16 is equal to 3.2.
Multiply by 0.2 e.g. 20% of $16 = 16 x 0.2 = $3.20
20 percent of 16 is 3.2
16 out of 20 is 80 percent.
"Percent" means "out of every hundred".So 20 percent of 100 is 20.
16 is 80% of 20.
20 percent of 80 percent = 0.16 or 16%
20 percent of 80 percent = 0.16 or 16%
16/20 = 80%
To find 20 percent of 330, you can multiply 330 by 0.20. This calculation gives you 66, which is 20 percent of 330. Another way to calculate this is by dividing 330 by 5 to get 66, as 20 percent is equivalent to 1/5 or 0.20 as a decimal.