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The volume of a rectangle is always 0, as a rectangle is a two-dimensional object.

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Q: How do you calculate volume when one side of the rectangle is at an angle?
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How do you calculate the volume for a rectangle?

You multiply the length by the width by the height. Multiply side 1 by side 2 by side 3.

How do you find ratio of two rectangles?

If you are trying to find the ratio of the lengths of two similar rectangles, divide the length of one side of one rectangle by the corresponding side length of the other rectangle. To find the ratio between their volumes, divide the volume of one rectangle by the volume the other rectangle. To find volume, multiply the width of the rectangle by the length of the rectangle.

How do you calculate tangent of an angle?

the tangent of an angle is equal to the length of the opposite side from the angle divided by the length of the side adjacent to the angle.

What is the smallest acute angle in a rectangle with side of 12 and 16?

A rectangle has 4 right angles. There are no acute angles.

If you have the volume of a rectangle how do you find out the measurement of each side?

A rectangle cannot have a volume. Only 3-dimensional objects (solids) can have volumes. A rectangle is a 2-dimensional object - or a plane figure.

How do you calculate 'sin' of an angle?

side over hypotenus.

Can a trapezoid be a rectangle and why?

NO. A trapezoid cannot be a rectangle. If a parallelogram has one right angle then it is a rectangle. A trapezoid doesn't satisfy this condition because a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one parallel side which means that it doesn't have a right angle.

How many side And angle does a rectangle has?

A rectangle has 4 sides and 4 inside right angles that add up to 360 degrees.

Sin cos?

"Sin" stands for "sinus". The sinus of any angle is defined, in a rectangle triangle, as the ratio of the side opposed to the angle and the hypotenuse. The sinus is useful because it is unique to any angle, which means that the ratio of the opposite side and the hypotenuse in any rectangle triangle is always the same given a certain angle. "Cos" stands for "cosinus". The cosinus of any angle is defined, in a rectangle triangle, as the ratio of the side adjacent to the angle and the hypotenuse. Like the sinus of an angle, the cosinus of an angle will always be constant, which means that, given a certain angle, the ratio will always be the same even if the triangles don't have the same size. Sinus and Cosinus are very useful to determine missing informations in rectangle triangles. In fact, with only two informations (angle and side), you can find every information on this triangle.

How to calculate the sides of a triangle given the degree of an angle and one side?

The measure of only one angle and one side is not sufficient to calculate the lengths of the sides of a triangle. If you have one more angle or one more side you can use the sine rule.

What makes a rectangle a rectangle?

A four side polynomial with two pairs of opposite side congruent and parallel as well as four right interior angle.

How do you find the area of a rectangle with a triangle attached to the side?

you split your shape in half, (The rectangle and the triangle), by putting a line through it and then calculate the area of the rectangle and then calculate the area of the triangle, half the area of the triangle then add the area of the triangle and the rectangle together!Then you should have your answer!