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Multiply the three measurements, length, width and height in inches to get cubic inches. 18 x 12 x 12 = 2592 cubic inches. Then multiply that number by 0.00433 to convert from cubic inches to gallons (11.22 gallons). You will be off a little bit, as most people use the outside tank measurements and not the inside.

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14y ago

multiply the length, width, and depth of the water in the aquarium. 1 cu metre is 1,000 litres (where All three length Width and Height in meter) Lets say depth of the aquariumis at 0.5 metres and the rectangle around the pond is 3 metres long x 2 metres wide. The volume is calculated as follows: 3.0 x 2.0 x 0.5 x 50/100 = 3.0 cu.metres = 3.0 x 1,000 = 3,000 litres if the aquarium fill only 50% then the water volume is 3000 /2 = 1500 litres

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14y ago

Measure the three dimensions of the aquarium (x, Y, Z) in inches. Now multiply X times Y times Z in order to get the volume in cubic inches. Then multiply this number by 0.004329 in order to convert cubic inches to US gallons. To get the true number of gallons remember to take into account the thickness of the glass, and the trim. In summary:

volume of an aquarium = (X * Y * Z in inches)(0.004329)

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find the area of your glass tank then find the volume of your tank then multiply it by the density of water, that should give you mass, since density=mass/volume

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Q: How do you calculate water volume in an aquarium?
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