To change a fraction to a decimal, divide its numerator by its denominator using long division. To change that into a percent, move the decimal place two places to the left.For example,if you have 3/8, long division gives 0.375 and the percentage is 37.5%
When the denominator of the fraction is a simple multiple of 2s and 5s.
You can take any percent and divide it by 100 to get the appropriate fraction. In this example, 65 percent as a fraction would be: 65/100 = 13/20 This even works if the percent is over 100. For example, 325 percent as a fraction would be:: 325/100 = 13/4 or 3 1/4
Using the equation of percent of change.(Original Value - Current Value) / Originalvalue *100% = Percent change(60 - 36 ) / 60 *100 = 40%40% is the percent change
3/10 is as low as you can take it while using whole numbers.
It is a way of representing an improper or proper fraction of the quantity using 100 as the denominator.
Using the definition of a percent (i.e. parts out of 100): 98% = 98/100 = 49/50.
Multiply both numbers by five- to get the fraction 85/100... which is 85%
To write a fraction as a percent, simply divide the numerator by the denominator (in your head, with a computer or calculator, or by hand using long division). Then simply multiply the answer by 100. Example: Write the fraction 3/8 as a percent. Answer: If we divide 3 by 8, we get 0.375. Multiply that by 100 to get 37.5%.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator - on a calculator, or using long division.
1/x = y x = 1/y
Using a decimal, of course. All you need do is move the decimal point two places to the right.