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Q: How do you check your answer if the problem is using a square root?
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How can you determine if a number is a prime number by using square root theory?

we can check if it is aprime no or not by sqaure root method (ex 4isnot aprime no but ots square root is aprime no)

How do you solve a square root of 1175?

The square root of 1175 is approximately 34.27. This can be found using a calculator or by estimating the square root value by breaking down 1175 into its prime factors.

I have a Math problem that has a square root with a number outside the little check what does that mean?

the square root of x*x is x if there is a 3 then a square root it is acutally cube root. the cube root of x*x*x is x if there is a 4 then a check symbol then that is fourth root. the fourth root of x*x*x*x is x. the square root of 16 is 4(4*4=16). the fourth root of 16 is 2(2*2*2*2=16).

What is the square root of 64 and how did you work it out?

The square root of 64 is 8 and you can work it out using the square root algorithm.

Is pi used to solve square root?

No, pi is not used to solve a square root problem.

How do you solve problem related to square root?

The answer depends on what the problem is.

How can you get a square root?

Check this website out! It offers a good explanation on how to find a square root!

What is the square root of 1296?

The square root of 1296 is 36.To check: 36*36=1296.36

Can you give a sentence using square root?

That stump had a big fat square root and had to be dug out.

What is the formula to find out the square root of 20?

The square root of 20 can be found using a calculator or by using the approximation method. The exact value is √20 ≈ 4.47.

What are all the square roots?

um I believe the square root of 4 is 2 the square root of 9 is 3 the quare root of 16 is 4 the square root of 25 is 5 square root of 36 is 6 square root of 49 is seven and so on just check on the calculator.

Square root of 98x- square root of -147x square root of 12x?

There is no answer to this problem unless x is 0. For the suare root of 98x to be a real number, x has to be positive or zero. For the square root of -147x to be a real number, x has to be negative or zero. Seeing has x has to fit both requirements, the problem has an answer only if x is zero.