km per hour x 0.27778 = meters per second:100 x 0.27778 = 27.78 meters per second
There are 100,000,000 millimeters in 100 kilometers.
15.8L/100km equates to about 15 miles per US gallon or6.72 US gallons per 100 miles.
14 liters per 100km equates to about 20.177 miles per Imperial gallon.
235.2 / mpg = liters per 100 km
y=(3,785/1,609)/x*100 x=l/100km y=mpg
One can consider the use of magic number (235.2145967506452 for US mpg or 282.480936332 for Imperial mpg) you divide by MPG to result in L/100km or divide by L/100km to have a MPG.
The easiest way to do this is by first converting 100km to meters, then 1 hour to seconds, then we can combine the two to create the ratio of ?m/?secs and reduce. So, 1 km (kilometer) = 1000 meters. 100km x 1000 meters/km = 100,000 meters Now, 1 hour = 60 minutes, 1 minute = 60 seconds. 1 hour x 60 minutes/hr x 60 seconds/minute = 3,600 seconds So now we will put the two together to form the ratio of ?m/?sec 100,000 meters / 3,600 seconds Now we will reduce, 100,000 meters/ 3,600 seconds = 1,000 meters / 36 seconds = 500 meters/ 18 seconds = 250 meters/ 9 seconds = approx 27.78 meters/second
175km to the nearest 100km is 200km
100 kilometers is equivalent to about 62.14 miles.
kmh to m/s formula n * 5/18 example: 100km/h convert to (n)m/s 100 * 5/18 = 27.7 m/s OR my way of doing this (much simpler): (km/h) / 3.6 = m/S example: (100km/h) / 3.6 = 27.8 m/s