To convert 750 feet per second to miles per minute, first convert feet to miles by dividing by 5,280 (since 1 mile = 5,280 feet). Then convert seconds to minutes by dividing by 60 (since 1 minute = 60 seconds). So, 750 feet per second is equal to 0.142 miles per minute.
0.75 kilometers = 750 meters. (A kilometer is 1000 meters.)
One foot is equal to 0.0003048 kilometres. Therefore, 750 feet is equal to 750 x 0.0003048 = 0.2286 kilometres.
One foot is equal to 0.0003048 kilometres. Therefore, 750 feet is equal to 0.0003048 x 750 = 0.2286 kilometres.
750 sq. ft = 0.000027 sq. miles.
The conversion factor is 0.681 - So: 1,100 fps x 0.681 = approximately 750 mph
To convert 750 miles per hour to inches per second, you can use the conversion factors: 1 mile = 63,360 inches, and 1 hour = 3,600 seconds. Therefore, 750 miles per hour is equal to (750 * 63,360) / 3,600 inches per second.
Cubic feet is a measure of volume while square feet is a measure of area. They do not directly convert.
1100 feet per second is equal to 750 miles per hour. (see math below) 1100 feet/1 second x 1 mile/5280 feet x 60 seconds/1 minute x 60 minutes/1 hour = (1100x1x60x60)/(1x5280x1x1) mile/hour = (3,960,000/5280) mi/hr = 750 mi/hr
750 centimeters = 0.0075 kilometers
750 cubic feet of water equates to about 5,610.4 US gallons.
The average walking speed is about 4.5 feet per second. To work this out we need to convert the value for metres into feet. There are 3.2808399 feet in a metre, so we have to multiply the value by 3.2808399: 750 x 3.2808399 = 2460.629925 The next step in figuring out the time is to divide this distance by the speed (4.5 per second): 2460.629925/4.5 = 546.80665 This can then be divided by 60 to give a more appropriate answer in minutes: 546.80665/60 = 9.113 So 750 metres should take about 10 minutes to walk.