convert milimeter to cubic feet
1 millimeter = 0.0032808399 feet
You can't convert those units. Milimeters of water (mmH2O) is a unit of pressure equal to about 13.6 mmHg. Cubic feet per minute is a measure of fluid flow.
To convert millimeters to inches, divide the millimeter measurement by 25.4 since there are 25.4 millimeters in an inch. For example, to convert 100 mm to inches, you would divide 100 by 25.4 to get approximately 3.937 inches.
One Millimeter equal 0.0033 feet. 5 millimeters x.0033=.0165 feet.
That depends what it is a percentage of.
Liter is a measure of volume; meter or millimeter is a measure of length. You can't convert one to the other.Liter is a measure of volume; meter or millimeter is a measure of length. You can't convert one to the other.Liter is a measure of volume; meter or millimeter is a measure of length. You can't convert one to the other.Liter is a measure of volume; meter or millimeter is a measure of length. You can't convert one to the other.
Multiply square mm by 0.000010764 to get square feet.
The two do not convert. A millimeter measures length, a liter measures volume.
Divide by 25.4
1/304.8 feet
4282mm = 14.05 feet.