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Formula: knots x 20.253 = inches per second

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Q: How do you convert knots to inches per second?
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How do i Convert inches per second to feet per second?

Inches per second x 0.0833 = feet per second.

Convert feet per second to inches per second?

multiply by 12

How do you convert miles per hour to inches per second?

1 mile per hour is equal to 17.6 inches per second. Therefore, n miles per hour = 17.6n inches per second.

How can you convert 10 meters per minute to inches per seconds?

10 m per minute = 393.7008 inches per minute = 393.7008/60 inches per second = 6.5617 inches per second.

How do you convert meters per second to inches per hour?

Multiply by 141732.283

How do you convert 24 ft per hour to inches per second?

24 ft is 288 inches an hour is 3600 seconds 288/3600 inches/second .08 inches/second

How to Convert feet per minute to inches per second?

-- to convert the feet to inches, multiply by 12-- to convert the minute to second, divide by 60-- combining these operations, take (feet per minute) and multiply by (12/60) = 0.2

How do you Convert 32 feet per second to inches per second?

Well, 1 foot = 12 inches, so 12x32=384

How to Convert 4.9 knots to miles per hour?

Knots x 1.151 = miles per hour

What is the formula to convert miles per hour to knots per hour?

mph x 0.868976242 = knots per hour

What is the speed in meters per second travelling at 20 knots?

20 knots is 10.29 meters per second.

How do you convert 35 yards per minute into inches per 1 second?

I multiply it by 36 as there are 36 inches in each yard to get inches per minute and divide by 60 as there are 60 seconds in each minute to get inches per second.