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You don't seem to quite understand the concept of percentages. Percent of what?

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Q: How do you convert liters of oxygen into percent?
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How do you convert oxygen saturation of liters per minute into percentage?

Convert 40% oxygen to liters

What is the formula to convert percent to liters?

You can't convert a percentage into a liter.

How do you convert liters per minute in oxygen saturation into percentage?

Take example that we r providing 2L/min of oxygen to a ptHuman lungs are 2 liters in volume by average. So...Average breath rate is 12 breaths per minute.In one minute the patient would take in 24 liters of air. You are supplying 2 liters of pure oxygen + 4.8 liters from air (20% of the 24 liters (Percent oxygen in dry air)) = 6.8 liters of Oxygen per minute.6.8 liters oxygen / 24 liters intake = 28.3% Oxygen

What is the formula to convert liters per minute of oxygen to percentage on face-mask?

Convert oxygen litter/minute to percnt

How many liters is 24 percent oxygen?

There is no answer , -that is an impossible question.

How many liters is 40 percent oxygen?


How many liters of oxygen is 28 percent oxygen?

How many litres of oxygen is 28 % using a face mask?

How to convert percent oxygen into pO2 Torr?

transver it though diffrent containers

How do you convert ounces to liters?

To convert liters to fluid ounces: liters x 33.81 = fluid ounces

Formula to convert liters to volume?

Liters IS volume - there is nothing to convert.

How do you convert 10m2 to liters?

To convert cubic meters to liters, you multiply by 1000.

How can you work out 20 percent of 350 liters?

Convert 20 % to its decimal form, 0.20; then multiply that by 350. The answer is 70 litres.