Convert 40% oxygen to liters
Converting a percentage to liters is not a straightforward formula as percent is a measure of a part per hundred while liters are a unit of volume. To convert a percentage to liters, you would need to know the density of the substance in question. The formula would involve multiplying the volume of the substance by its density to determine the amount in liters.
Take example that we r providing 2L/min of oxygen to a ptHuman lungs are 2 liters in volume by average. So...Average breath rate is 12 breaths per minute.In one minute the patient would take in 24 liters of air. You are supplying 2 liters of pure oxygen + 4.8 liters from air (20% of the 24 liters (Percent oxygen in dry air)) = 6.8 liters of Oxygen per minute.6.8 liters oxygen / 24 liters intake = 28.3% Oxygen
There is no answer , -that is an impossible question.
Convert oxygen litter/minute to percnt
200 milliliters
To find 15 percent of 200 liters, you would first convert 15 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which equals 0.15. Then, you would multiply 0.15 by 200 to get the answer. So, 15 percent of 200 liters is 30 liters.
If a substance is 28% oxygen, it means that 28% of the total substance is oxygen. To find the amount of oxygen in liters, you would need to know the total volume of the substance. Without this information, it is not possible to determine the exact amount of oxygen in liters.
125 ml is equivalent to 0.125 liters. To convert milliliters to liters, you divide by 1000 since there are 1000 milliliters in a liter.
transver it though diffrent containers
To convert 2 liters to a percentage, you need to know the total volume it is a percentage of. If we assume the total volume is 100 liters, then 2 liters would be 2% of the total volume. Therefore, 2 liters is equal to 2% when considering a total volume of 100 liters.
To convert liters to fluid ounces: liters x 33.81 = fluid ounces