European convert: 1 tonne = 1000 kg = 2000 pound US convert: 1 short ton = 2000 pound UK convert: 1 long ton = 2240 pound
35,000 pounds = about 15.9 tonnes. (divide pounds by 2,204.6 to get tonnes)
The conversion between pounds and tonnes are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . 1 pound =0.000453 tonnes . 3800 pounds =1.723 tonnes .
6,000,000 lbs = 2,721.55 tonnes
11000 pounds is equivalent to 5 tonnes.
20,000 pounds = about 9.1 tonnes. (divide pounds by 2,204.6 to get tonnes).
The ton used in the US is equal to 2000 pounds, so to convert from pounds to tonnes, you divide by 2000.
6,000 pounds is about 2.721 tonnes.
10 tonnes = 22,050 pounds.
2.5 tonnes is ~5,511.56 pounds.
5,000 pounds is 2.268 tonnes.
Eight tonnes is equal to 17,640 pounds.
357 trillion pounds is 161,932,476,090 tonnes.