

How do you figure lineal ft of a circle?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Measure the circle's radius and square it. Multiply the result by pi. This number is the circle's lineal foot measurement.

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Q: How do you figure lineal ft of a circle?
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What is the lineal footage for 15.52 ft radius?

The circumference of such a circle is 97.5 ft.

What is the lineal feet of a 16 ft diameter circle?

A lineal or linear foot is the same as a foot so a 16 feet diameter is the same as a diameter of 16 lineal feet.

How many lineal feet around a 14 ft dia circle?

circomference of a circle = pi*diameter = pi*14

How do you figure lineal ft?

The term LINEAL refers to ancestry or heredity. The correct term is LINEAR. One (1) LINEAR foot equals 12".

What is the abbreviation for lineal feet?

It is ft. Lineal is not necessary.

What is the abbreviation of lineal feet?

The word lineal is redundant and so the abbreviation is "ft"

What is the lineal inch of a 90 circle?

The lineal inch of a 90-degree circle, also known as the circumference, can be calculated using the formula: Circumference = pi * diameter. In this case, the lineal inch will be equal to pi times the diameter of the circle.

How many lineal feet in a 6' circle?

The answer will depend on whether the 6 feet refers to the radius or diameter of the circle and which length is being measured in lineal feet.

How many sq ft in 10.16 lineal ft x 11 lineal ft?

Multiply the two together to convert to area. The answer is 111.76 square feet.

What is the cost of 12 lineal ft of carpet sold at 4.62 per lineal foot?

55.44 units of currency.

If six inch clapboard siding is 72 cents per lineal ft and you need to cover 400 square ft so how do you figure the cost for the job?

2x 6" (x1ft) lengths = 1sq ft, so 2x 400 = 800 lineal feet is required. 800ft x 72 cents = $572 +10% for offcuts etc Hope this helps, Andy

How do you figure lineal feet?

It is a distance equal to 30.48 centimetres.