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it starts from zero.....

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Q: How do you figure out the starting point of a distance vs time graph when given the velocity vs time graph and a function?
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How do you figure out velocity without time when you do have distance and loss of potential energy?

you cannot figure out the change in velocity given just the distance and loss of potential energy. you need more information

If a car goes in 6.8 seconds how do you figure out the acceleration?

Acceleration= distance / velocity squared

How do you figure out velocity?

Velocity is displacement divided by time. Displacement is different from distance traveled, as displacement states how far you traveled in RELATION to a starting point. The formula for Velocity is ---- v = x / t v = Velocity x = Displacement t = Time velocity is a vector quantity so the direction should also be specified unless it is implicit in the problem. ----

What does the area under a velocity vs time graph indicate?

The area under the velocity time graph is related to the distance travelled in the direction in which the velocity is measured but not the orthogonal direction. So for example if I bounce a ball straight up and down, but measure its velocity only in the horizontal direction, then the v-t graph will be at zero at all times indicating no distance has been travelled. This is true in the horizontal direction but not in the vertical direction. This happens because velocity is a vector whereas distance travelled is a scalar. Also, the area under a velocity time graph is the distance travelled - PROVIDED the graph remains at, or above, the time axis at all times; that is, the velocity remains positive at all times. If the velocity becomes negative for part of the time then the absolute value of the area above the V-T graph is the relevant bit.

What is the distance around closed figure?

The distance round a closed figure is the perimeter.

How do you figure terminal velocity?

That's the velocity at which the force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity.

What do you call the distance around a closed figure?


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The distance around the out side of a figure is?

What is called when distance around a 2 dimensional figure?

that distance is called the perimeter of the figure.

The distance around a figure?

The distance around a figure is called the "perimeter", unless the figure is a circle - in that case, it is called the "circumference".

How can you figure out velocity?

You check out the speed and direction, and times them together, and it will tell you the velocity of the object.