

How do you fin the volume of any prism?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Find the surface area of the top or bottom face and multiply that by the depth of the prism. For example, a triangular prism would have a volume of (1/2 * base * height) * (depth)

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Q: How do you fin the volume of any prism?
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How do you find the volume of a rectangular object prism?

Volume of any prism = cross-section area times length

What is the volume of a prism?

The volume of any prism is the product of the area of the base and the distance between the two bases(i.e. Height)

How do you find the volume for a triangular prism?

The volume of any prism is worked out in the same way whether it's a hexagonal prism, circular prism or a triangular prism. You just need to times the length of the prism against the area of the cross-section.

How do you calculate the volume of any prism?

multiply length * width / 2=volume

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Volume of a Rectangular Prism The volume of a rectangular prism can be found by the formula: volume=length*width*height

How does the volume of a prism compare to the volume of the pyramid with the same base and height?

The volume of the prism is three times as much as that of the prism.

Why is the volume of any prism volume equals ares of base times height?

the base of the object is basically the volume. you just have to the number of layers. this works for every prism because its the standard way

What is the volume of a trapezoid prism?

The volume of any right prism is the area of the base, in this case a trapezoid, multiplied by the height of the prism. The formula for the area of a trapezoid is A = 1/2h(a + b) where a and b are the bases of the trapezoid (the parallel sides). Once you calculate the area of the trapezoidal base of the prism, multiply that number by its height to get its volume.

How would you measure the volume of a book?

Base x Height x Width = Volume of any rectangular prism.

What is the volume of the prism describe how you found the volume?

To find the volume of a prism you first need to know the area of cross section. Then, Volume of prism = area of cross section x length.

How do you calculate volume of a rectan gular prism?

Measure, then multiply(length of the prism) x (width of the prism) x (height of the prism) .The product of the three dimensions is the volume of the prism.

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism relates to the volume of a tringular prism if the two have the same lengthwidthand height?

The volume of a rectangular prism is found by; Volume = Length x Width x Height The volume of a triangular prism is found by; Volume = 1/2 x Length x Width x Height Therefore, Length, Width and Height being identical, 1) the volume of a rectangular prism is twice that of a similar triangular prism OR 2) the colume of a triangular prism is half that of a similar rectangular prism.