

How do you find 35 percent of something?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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You multiply iy by .35 (x*.35)

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Q: How do you find 35 percent of something?
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How do you find out 35 percent of something?

divide it by 100 and then times that number by 35

How do you find 40 percent of 35?

To find 40 percent of 35, multiply 35 by 0.4. In this case, 35 x 0.4 = 14.

How do you find 35 percent of a number?

To find 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.35. For example, 35 percent of 20 is equal to 0.35 x 20 = 7.

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8 percent percent of 35 = 0.0008 x 35 = 0.028

How do you work out 35 percent of something?

To calculate 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.35. For example, 35 percent of 500 is equal to 500 x 0.35 = 175.

If 65 divided by 100 equals 65 percent what is the term for 35 percent?

To find 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 35/100 or 0.35.

How do you find 35 percent of 317900?

35% of 317900 = 317900*35/100 = 111265

How do you find 7 percent of 35?

35 x 0.07 = 2.45

How do work out 35 percent of something?

35% is the same as 35/100, or .35. Therefore, you simply multiply .35 by the number that you want to find 35% of. For example, 35% of 20=.35x20=7. This makes sense, because if you multiply both numbers by 5, you get 35 and 100.

How do you find out 77 percent of something?

To find out 77 percent of something, just multiply that something to 0.77.

What is 35 percent of 1500?

To find 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.35. In this instance, 0.35 x 1500 = 525. Therefore, 35 percent of 1500 is 525.

What is 35 percent of 5.20?

To find 35 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.35. In this instance, 0.35 x 520 = 182. Therefore, 35 percent of 520 is equal to 182.