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Q: How do you find a side of a triangle when you only have 2 dimensions?
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A right triangle has one side that is 7 cm longer than its shortest side. The triangle’s hypotenuse is 8 cm longer than the shortest side. What are the dimensions of the triangle?

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What is the area of a triangle with the side lengths of 2 12 and 18?

These dimensions do not form a triangle.

If the length of the longest side of a right triangle is 3 more than the length of the shorter side the length of the hypotenuse is 3 more than the length of the longer side find length of each side?

9,3,6 The dimensions given above would not be suitable for a right angled triangle which presumably the question is asking about. The dimensions suitable for a right angled triangle in the question are: 9, 12, 15.

You are a presented a right triangle the dimensions of side a is 2 inches and the dimensions of side b is 4 inches.calculate the dimensions of side c?

If the dimensions given are not the hypotenuse then side 'c' is the square root of the of the sum of the other two sides. c=√(a2+b2)

Can the side lengths of 541 make a triangle?

If you mean side lengths of 5, 4 and 1 then it is not possible to construct any triangle from the given dimensions.

Where N this triangle side AC 2 side BC 3 and side AB 4. Is triangle ABC a right triangle?

The given dimensions would not make a right angle triangle because they don't comply with Pythagoras' theorem for a right angle triangle.

In this triangle side a 24 units side b 10 units and side c 26 units. Is this a right triangle?

Yes because the given dimensions comply with Pythagoras; theorem for a right angle triangle.

How do you find the perimeter of an isosceles triangle when you only have one side and the base?

If you mean "isosceles" triangle, the perimeter is the sum of twice the known side plus the base.

How can you find the height of a triangle if you only have the base?

You can't! If the base is the only side you know, you'll need two angles to define the triangle entirely

A radius of a regular triangle is 12 Find the length of one side of the triangle?

A radius of a regular triangle is 12 . find the length of one side of the triangle?

How do you find the length of the sides of a triangle when you only know one side and no angles?

Measure them

How do you find an angle within a non-right angled triangle when only given one side length?

You cannot find any angle, or either of the other two sides, in a non-right triangle, when given only one side.