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Slope is expressed as the percentage of rise/fall in elevation over a specific distance and is determined by dividing the change in elevation by the length of the line. So if a line segment is 10 feet long and rises or falls 1 foot in elevation, the slope would be 1 ft/10 ft or 10 percent.

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Q: How do you find a slope of a line segment?
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If you have an equation that looks like y=mx+b then the m is the slope. If you have two points then you use the formula Y2-Y1/X2-X1

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Parallel lines have the same slope. So if you know the slope of a line in question, or you can calculate it, then you know the slope of any line parallel to that line.

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The slope of both lines will be the same.

How do you find a slope in a line?

the slope of a line = the Change in Y divided by the Change in X

How do I find the slope of a line?

you look at the line and see if there are any direct points on the line the slope formula

What does the slope examples of rates inclued?

Why do we need to find the slope of a line? The slope of a line tells us how something changes over time. If we find the slope we can find the rate of change over that period.Why do we need to find the slope of a line?The slope of a line tells us how something changes over time. If we find the slope we can find the rate of change over that period. - See more at:

How do i find the slope of a graphed line?

you look at the line and see if there are any direct points on the line the slope formula

How do you find a slope of a line parallel?

Line a is parallel to line b, m, and . Find .

The slope of line a is 3 what is the slope of a line perpendicular to a?

To find the slope of a perpendicular line, take the negative reciprocal of the slope of the given line. (Flip the top and bottom of the fraction and change the sign.) The slope of 3 can be written as 3/1. The slope of a line that is perpendicular is -1/3.