

How do you find mode if no number the same?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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then there is no mode

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Q: How do you find mode if no number the same?
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How do you find the mode if each number aprears the same amount of times?

Each number is a mode. You have a multimodal distribution and the mode is a useless measure is such cases.

If there is math problem and you have find the mode and the numbers are all the same is there a mode?

The mode is the number that is most common, so in this case, there is only one number, so therfore, the mode is that number. It that makes sense, of course...

What if there is not a frequently listed number to find the mode?

Then there is no mode. There can only be a mode when there are more than on same number. No Mode: 45, 6, 21, 4, 765 Mode: 1, 4, 3, 4, 2,

Why do we find mode?

You find out the mode to find the most appearing number

How do you find the mode if the numbers are not the same?

Then there is no mode

How do you find a mode if 2 numbers appear the same number of times?

There are two modes. The mode is the only measure of central tendency where you can have no mode (no number appears more than another), one mode, or several modes, such as in your case.

Write a C plus plus to find median and mode of a number?

The median and mode of any number is the same number. The mode of 5 is 5, as is the median of 5. In other words, you need two or more numbers to determine the median and mode of those numbers.

How do you find the mode when no number repeats?

it means that there is no mode

How do you find three numbers with a mode of 6?

How do i find the mode of the number six?

What does a mode of a number mean?

You can't find the mode of a single number...but you can find the mode of a group of numbers The mode is the value with the highest frequency...that is, the value which appears the most often

What is the formula of mode?

NO FORMULA, you just find the one with the most of the same ones, and that's the mode, mean is all of the numbers added divided by the number of numbers what is the general formula of mode

How do you find the mode if 2 numbers appear the same number of times?

Then you dont have a mode because there is two mode and we cannot add them or divide them. Because they are already use in other situation.