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If you need to find a median between two numbers, pick one of them arbitrarily.

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Q: How do you find out a median when there is only two numbers left?
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How to find the missing number if median is given?

The median is the middle number. If there is an odd number of numbers in the set, the median is the middle number, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is the missing number. If there is an even number of numbers in the set, the median is the average of the two middle numbers, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is one of those two numbers. If it is, you can take the median and the one of the two numbers you know. Use the formula (# +#)/2=median and solve.

What is the median between 500 and 1 million?

To find the median of an even number of values, you need to take the mean of the 2 middle numbers. Since there is only 2 numbers, take the mean to find the median. The median is (500 + 1M)/2 = 500250.

How do find the interquartile range in your data?

Arrange the data in increasing order and count the number of data points = N. Find the integer K = N/2 or (N+1)/2. The Kth number in the ordered set is the median. Now consider only the numbers from the smallest to the median and find the median of this subset. This is the lower quartile = Q1. Then consider only the numbers from the original median to the largest. Find the median of this subset. It is the upper quartile = Q3. Then IQR = Q3 - Q1

How do you find a set of numbers if you have the range mean and median?

In general, you cannot. You need to know how many numbers there are and then, in only a select few cases can you find the set.

What is the median of 6 7 10 8 9 8?

So the median of a set of numbers, is the number which is exactly in the middle of all the numbers when sorted. So take your set of numbers, {6,7,10,8,9,8} and sort them so we get {6,7,8,8,9,10} If we work in from the left and right removing one number at a time we get: {7, 8, 8, 9} and then {8, 8} Meaning the median is 8. (When you have an even amount of numbers, you have to average the two numbers remaing (in this case 8 and 8), however when you have an odd amount of numbers you will only have 1 left, and that is the median)

Related questions

How do you find the median without knowing the number of objects?

Put the numbers in order.Delete the largest and smallest.Repeat deletions until you are left with only 1 or 2 values.If there is 1 left, then that is the median. If there are 2 left, then their arithmetic mean (average) is the median.

How to find the missing number if median is given?

The median is the middle number. If there is an odd number of numbers in the set, the median is the middle number, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is the missing number. If there is an even number of numbers in the set, the median is the average of the two middle numbers, and the only way to find the missing number is if the median is one of those two numbers. If it is, you can take the median and the one of the two numbers you know. Use the formula (# +#)/2=median and solve.

What is the median if there is only 2 numbers showing?

Technically, you cannot find a median if you have only two numbers, so it would be more reasonable to use an average instead.

If in median you get down to the last numbers but there are only two left?

and them together and divide by two

What is the median between 500 and 1 million?

To find the median of an even number of values, you need to take the mean of the 2 middle numbers. Since there is only 2 numbers, take the mean to find the median. The median is (500 + 1M)/2 = 500250.

If you had the numbers 12377901 how would you find the median?

When you are looking for the median, you are looking for the middle. So those numbers 12377901, first you would have to put them into numerical order. Which would be 0,1,1,2,3,7,7,9. An easy way to solve it from there would be to cross out each end. Making it 1,1,2,3,7,7. Keep doing that until you either have only one number left, or you have two numbers. In this equation you would have to numbers left, so you would look for the middle of those two numbers which would be 2.5. And there you have found the median of those numbers.

How do find the interquartile range in your data?

Arrange the data in increasing order and count the number of data points = N. Find the integer K = N/2 or (N+1)/2. The Kth number in the ordered set is the median. Now consider only the numbers from the smallest to the median and find the median of this subset. This is the lower quartile = Q1. Then consider only the numbers from the original median to the largest. Find the median of this subset. It is the upper quartile = Q3. Then IQR = Q3 - Q1

What is the median of 6 7 10 8 9 8?

So the median of a set of numbers, is the number which is exactly in the middle of all the numbers when sorted. So take your set of numbers, {6,7,10,8,9,8} and sort them so we get {6,7,8,8,9,10} If we work in from the left and right removing one number at a time we get: {7, 8, 8, 9} and then {8, 8} Meaning the median is 8. (When you have an even amount of numbers, you have to average the two numbers remaing (in this case 8 and 8), however when you have an odd amount of numbers you will only have 1 left, and that is the median)

How do you find a set of numbers if you have the range mean and median?

In general, you cannot. You need to know how many numbers there are and then, in only a select few cases can you find the set.

What is the median of 47181230 and 20?

The median is the number in the middle of all numbers. There are only 2 numbers. In this case the median is the average of the 2, or 23590625

How do you find the median when you have two int?

When you find the median you are trying to find the middle of a set of numbers. If you line the numbers up in numerical order and count one off on each side multiple times, you will get to the middle. However, if you have only two numbers or two numbers in the middle, you would add those two numbers together and then divide by two. For example: 2, 4, 14, 27, 65, 83 First, you would count off 2 and 83 then 4 and 65. You would be left with 14 and 27 in the middle. You would add 14 and 27 to get 41. Then, you would divide 41 by two to get 20.5 which would be your median.

How do you find median when theres only six numers?

Take the average of the middle numbers. Example: 1,2,3,4,5,6 The median would be (3+4)/2 = 3.5 (notice how it falls in the middle)