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You find the length and height of the shape, them you find the volume

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Q: How do you find the base of the base shape to find the volume?
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How do you find the volume of a 3D shape?

Well it depends on what kind of 3d shape it is. There is a formula to find the volume of each 3d shape. The main formula for volume is Bxh. (Big B multiplied by the height.) Bxh means the area of the base times the height.

How do you find volume and area of a triangle?

A triangle has no volume - it is a 2-dimensional shape only. To find the area, multiply the base times the height, then divide by 2. The base is any side of the triangle; the height must be measured perpendicular to the base.

How do you find the volume of a shape that has holes?

find the volume of the shape first and then take away the volume of the holes

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism if you have the area?

All you need is the area of the base and then multiply that by the height and you have the volume of any 3-D shape.

How do you find the volume of a 2D shape?

The answer is zero. A 2D shape has no volume.

How do you find the liquid volume of a shape?

Find the circumferrenceThen divide that by the diameterMeasure the shapes' anglesMultiplyThats how you find the liqiud volume of a shape.

How Do You Find The Volume Of A Base?

That can't be answered. The volume of the base of what kind of base?

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism if you know the base and height?

A rectangle volume is length X width X height = volume The fact its a prism is irrelevant as long as it is a box shape.

How do you find the height of a rectangular prism when given the base area and volume?

The volume of any right prism (the floor and ceiling are identical in shape) = Base area * heightSA = BA + LASA = BA + phLA=ph

What is base area of 10m tall and volume of 320m3?

It depends on the shape that has a volume of 320 m3.

How would you find a volume of a regular shape?

If you want to find a volume of a regular shape, You need to multiply Length, Width, and High.

How do you find the volume of a pyriamd?

Find the area of the base, find the height of the pyramid. Volume = (1/3)*(area of base)*(height)