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You multiply the diameter by Pi, that is 3.14159 (to the nearest 5th decimal).

circumf. = dia. x Pi.

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Q: How do you find the circumfrance of a cirlce if you know the diameter?
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How do you find out the circumfrance of a circle?

To find the circumfrance of a circle, you need to multiply 2 times pi, times the circle's radius. If you don't know what that is, you multiply two times pi, and pi equals 3.14, and then multiply that by the radius, which is the measurement of half the circl'e diameter. the diameter is the distance from one side of the circle, to the exact opposite. you measure this with a ruler. HALF the measurement of the diameter is the radius. Example---the diameter of a circle is 20 cm. half the diameter is 10 cm, which is the radius. Multiply 2 times pi[which equals 3.14], times the radius. Good luck!

How do you find the circumference of a cylinder?

The circumference of a cirlce can be found if you know either the diameter (the longest distance from on side on the circle to another) or th radius (half of the diameter). If you know the radius, multiply it by 2 to find the diameter. The cricumference = pi x D This means you times the diameter by pi (3.1415926535...)

How do you find the radius if you know the diameter?

You divide the diameter by two.

How can i find circumference if you know diameter?

Circumference = Pi * diameter

How do you find the diameter of a circle in the terms of pi?

To find the diameter of a circle, you will either need to know the area or its circumference. If you know the area: diameter = 2 x squareroot(area / Pi) If you know the circumference diameter = circumference / Pi

How do you find the diameter of a circle when you know the circumference?

circumference/pi = diameter

How do you find the diameter of a circle when you know the radius?

Diameter = 2*Radius

If you know the diameter of a circle how can you find the radius?

You divide the diameter in half.

How you find radius of a circle if you know the diameter?

Divide your diameter by two

How do you find the circumference of Neptune if you know the diameter?

you multiply the diameter by pi.

How do you find diameter of circle?

To find the diameter you need to know what the radius of the circle which is from the center to the circumference ,the edge, then you times it by two and that's how yo find the diameter

How do you find the diameter of a circle if you know the circumference?

Divide the known circumference by pi to find the diameter of the circle.