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Radius: square root of (50/pi) = 3.989422804

Diameter: 2*3.989422804 = 7.978845608 or as 8 meters to nearest integer

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Q: How do you find the diameter of a circle when the area is 50 sq meters?
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Find the circumference and area of the circle if the diameter is 30 meters?

Circumference : 94.2 meters Area : 706.5 square meters

Find the area of a circle that is 30 meters in diameter?

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TAKE hanf of 3.25 then square it An you will get 3.0625pie as your exact answer.

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Area = pi * radius squared A = pi*r2 diameter/2 = radius 60 meters/2 = 30 meters so, Area = pi(30 m)2 = 2827 meters squared =================

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 8 meters use 3.14 for?

The radius of the circle is half of the diameter, so it is 4 meters. To find the area of the circle, we can use the formula A = πr^2. Substituting the value of the radius, the area of the circle is therefore A = 3.14 * (4)^2 = 3.14 * 16 = 50.24 square meters.

Find the area of a circle with the diameter of 40m?

The area of a circle is (pi) times (the radius)2. The radius of the given circle is 1/2 of the diameter = 20m. Area = (pi) times (20)2 = 400(pi) = 1,256.64 square meters(rounded)

What is the area of a circle with a diamerer of 24 meters use 3.14?

area of a circle = pi*r^2 with pi being 3.1415926535..... that is the ratio between the diameter of the circle and it's circumference. r stands for radius (half the diameter if you didn't know) so for this circle to find the area all you have to do is 12 (half of 24 the diameter to find the radius) , then square it (144) then times it by pi which equals approximately 452.39 meters^2

How do I figure the area of a circle by diameter?

To find area of a circle using diameter, you use this formuler. Area=pi(diameter/2)(diameter/2)

How to find the area of a circle?

Circumference= 3.14 x Diameter Area of circle= 3.14 x diameter x diameter

How do you find the area of a semi-circle if you know the diameter?

A semicircle is 1/2 of a circle. Find the area with the diameter you are given as if you had a whole circle, then divide that answer by 2 to get the area of the semicircle.

How do you find the diamter of a circle if you know the area?

In order to find the diameter of a circle if you have the area is to rearrange the formula for the area of a circle to put diameter as the unknown, like so: PIE*d = Area of a Circle d = (Area of a Circle) / PIE Therefore if the area of your circle is 40cm, 40/PIE = 12.73cm and that's the diameter.