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The diameter of a circle (also known as its circumference) can be found by the formula c=2πr, where r is the radius and π is the constant pi, commonly approximated to 3.14.

To round this to the nearest unit, look at the tenths place.

If this is...

  • greater than or equal to 5, then round up (take out the decimal and add 1 to the whole number
  • less than 5, then round down (just remove the decimal places)
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Q: How do you find the diameter of a circle with rounding to the nearest unit?
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First, you have to know the formula that connects the circumference of a circle to the diameter. You may have been out or asleep that day. Circumference = (pi) x (diameter) Plug the numbers you know into that formula. 23.56 = pi D D = 23.56 / (pi) That's it. We're sure you can handle the division and the rounding. Use 3.14 for (pi).

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50.27 yards

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to find the raduis of any circle, divde the diameter by 2. in this case, the answer would be 3.50

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diammeter*pi= 10 divide both side by pi to find the diameter: diameter = 3.183098862 or 3 cm to the nearest cm.

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pi*diameter = 16 inches Divide both sides by pi to find the diameter: diameter = 5.092958179 or 5 inches to the nearest inch.

Your son has to find the nearest whole number to 6.38 and then the nearest tenth what is the answer?

The answer is that I would try to find out what he understands about rounding and then explain the concept of rounding through examples that he can identify with.