To divide two fractions, invert the second one and multiply.
2/3 ÷ 3/4 = 2/3 x 4/3
There are an infinite number of different fractions between two fractions. If you want the one that's exactly in the middle, half-way between them, there's only one of those. It's called the "average" of the two fractions. Find it like this: -- Add the two fractions together. -- Divide the sum by 2 .
Find the lowest common multiple of the denominators and adjust the fractions accordingly
To find the sum of two mixed numbers, turn the mixed numbers into improper fractions (multiply the base with the denominator and add the numerator), then add the two fractions. To add the two fractions, find the LCD (lowest common denominator) and add the two numerators, but leave the denominators the same.
Because to add or subtract two fractions you first have to find equivalent fractions for both which have the same denominator.
multiply the two denominators
It is a repeating decimal.
The answer depends on the binary operator between the two fractions which has not been specified.
The difference between the fractions a/b and c/d = abs[(ad - bc)/bd]
Add them together, then divide by 2.
Subtract as if there were no denominators.
add or subrition
find the lowest common denominator