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H = 2 x (A/B)

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Q: How do you find the height of a triangle with the base and area already included?
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How do you find the base and height of a triangle when you already know the area?

area = 1/2 base * perpendicular height you can't find both the base and the height if you only know the area

What is the area of a triangle if the base is 5 and the area is 3?

The question already has the answer. If the area is 3, then you've already answered the question.If you meant the triangle had a base of 5 and a height of 3:A = base * height / 2A = 3 * 5 / 2A = 15 / 2A = 7.5

How do you find the area of a triangle when the area is given but the base and height are not?

You don't need to find it. From what your question states the area is already given to you.

How do you get the base of a triangle when you have the height and area?

Area of a triangle = base * height / 2 Therefore the base = Area * 2 / height

Formua for area of a triangle?

The formula for finding the area of a triangle is: Area = (base * height) / 2.

How is the base height and area of a triangle related?

Because the area of a triangle = 0.5*base*height

What is the area of a triangle with the base of 10 and the height of 12?

The area of triangle is : 60.0

How do you find length of base if you already know the area of triangle?

You will need to know the height before you can calculate the base form the area.

How are the formulas for area of a triangle and rectangle similar?

the area of a triangle is half of the base times the height the area of a triangle is half of the base times the height

What is the formula for area for a triangular prism without the height?

It is impossible to find the area of a triangle with no height, if the triangle had no height it would not even be a triangle, just a angle.

How can you find the height of a triangle if you have base and area?

The relation between the height of a triangle, its base and its area is given by: Area = 0.5 * Base * Height Therefore, we have: Height = (2 * Area)/ Base.

The base of a triangle is 8 cm. the triangle has a area of 28cm2 the height of the triangle is cm?

Area of Triangle = 1/2 base x height 28 = 4 x height height = 7 cms