The maximum of a set of numbers is the largest number in the set.
Find the minimum and maximum values from the given data. Then range is the difference between maximum and minimum values.
The word maximum in mathematics describes the biggest number in a set of numbers or data. For example 10,8,5,2,60,9,3,1. The maximum set of numbers is 60.
The definition of maximum in regards of math is the biggest number in the set of numbers / data.Example:If you have the numbers 10,5,8,2,60,9,3,and 1 the maximum in this set of numbers/data is 60. How? It is 60 because in the set of numbers/data it is the highest number in the set.The word maximum in maths means the most or limit.
It is the maximum of that set.
the landmarks are mean, median, maximum, minimum and range. you could find any set of numbers and find these landmarks in them. answered by Lucy Cetifag Lousiana
Take the first number in the set and compare it against the second. If the second is higher, take that number otherwise keep the first Repeat with all the numbers in the set, comparing the highest found so far with the next number in the set, taking the higher of the two until all the numbers in the set have been checked. The number with which you remain will be the highest.
the rang ( of the rang ) the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a data set.
to find the mean of a set of numbers you have to find the total sum of the data divided by the number of addends in the data.
It is the mean average
find the mean in a set of frequency distribution
Add up the numbers, and then divide by the number of numbers in the set. This will give you the mean.
First, let's assume that this is a set of integers that you want to find the maximum of:Set setOfInts; // also assume that this set is full of some intsIterator it = setOfInts.iterator();int max;if(it.hasNext()) {max =;while(it.hasNext()) {int current =;if(current > max) {max = current;}}// max is now the largest number in the set}The problem comes when trying to find the position of the maximum number in the Set. By definition, a Set is an unordered group of numbers. So any order that the Set returns (say, by the Set's iterator) will be arbitrary.