You average the #'s and then you divide them to however many #'s there are. There MAY BE a DECIMAL but its okay!
One reason I can think of why you might not be able to find the mean of numerical data would be if there were missing data points.
Numerical Data means data consisting of numbers, not categories, such as the heights of students.
When there are a variety of different numbers numerical data varies. -RJC
Everywhere! What time is it? That's numerical data. What temperature is it? Numerical data. How many cars pass by a particular road every hour? This is both numerical data and survey data. In an hour, how many people use a vending machine? Survey/ numerical data. Go to a parking lot on a busy day and randomly pick out a parking space. How long does it stay empty for? Survey/ numerical data. I'm sure you can find many other examples.
Can the median and mode be used to describe both categorical data and numerical data
Numerical data is numbers. Non-numerical data is anything else.
To find the mean of a set of numbers you have to find the total sum of the data divided by the number of addends in the data. Why can't you find the mean of numerical data? One reason I can think of why you might not be able to find the mean of numerical data would be if there were missing data points.
It means that there is only one item of numerical information for each fan.
Numerical data is quantitative research
Numerical data is data measured or identified on a numerical scale. Numerical can be analyzed using statistical methods, and results can be displayed using tables, charts, histograms, and graphs.
Numerical data are organized by a graph.